By: Tony Robbins
Category: Finance
Fewer than 1 in 5 corrections escalate to a bear market. Just because the market is correcting doesn’t mean that it’s going to completely go to a recession.
The Unshakeable Core Principles:
- Don’t Lose Money
- Asymmetric Risk / Reward
- Tax efficiency
- Diversification
The Common Mistakes:
- Seeking confirmation for your beliefs instead of looking for information that challenges them
- Mistaking Recent Events for Ongoing Trends Why Most Investors Buy the Wrong Thing at Exactly the Wrong Moment
- Overconfidence Get Real: Overestimating Our Abilities and Our Knowledge Is a Recipe for Disaster
- Greed, Gambling, and the Quest for Home Runs It’s Tempting to Swing for the Fences, but Victory Goes to the Steady Survivors 6.