Nat Eliason

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Fluent in 3 Months

By: Benny Lewis

Category: Language



  • The key determinate in whether or not you learn a language is your passion and legitimate interest in picking it up.
  • “You don’t know a language, you live it. You don’t learn a language, you get used to it.”
  • The only reason children are “better language learners” is that they are less afraid to make mistakes, and they get more practice.
  • To realistically become fluent in three months you’ll need to spend 2+ hours a day on the target language.
  • Creating visualizations similar to the techniques in Moonwalking on Einstein will make words more memorable. Spaced repetition helps you retain them.
  • Use media from your target language to practice listening. You can also talk to people on iTalki
  • Speak the language from day 1, this is how you will learn the fastest.
  • Learn a few helper verbs that save you having to conjugate other ones (I want, I can, I need, I am going to, I must, I want)

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