Nat Eliason

Cover Image for Armor


By: John Steakley

Categories: Fiction, Science Fiction


What It’s About

Armor by John Steakley is a gritty military sci-fi novel about a man who has enlisted to fight giant ants on an alien planet using super-powered armor.

Almost every dies within their first couple drops onto the planet to fight the aliens, but for some reason, he keeps surviving, owing his battle prowess to a mysterious internal power he calls his "engine."

About a quarter into the book another point of view joins the story, a space pirate enlisted to help sabotage a research outpost and steal fuel from it, and the stories end up tying together in an interesting and satisfying way.

Similar Books

It was written as a response to Starship Troopers, which the author John Steakley didn't think had enough action in it. It's also often compared to The Forever War and The Old Man's War.

In terms of other books I've read, I'd say if you liked Red Rising you'd probably enjoy this, the action style felt similar.

What I Liked

I have to say this is one of the better endings to a book I've read. Streakley knocked it out of the park, it's unexpected and so satisfying.

The two main characters in the book, as well as the supporting characters, are all interesting and differentiated.

The action is fantastic, very creative while still easy to visualize, and you can feel the characters terror and excitement throughout.

It also manages to be a sort of "macho military fighting the bad guys" book without being corny about it. It still has a serious weight to it.

What I Didn't Like

The POV changes around 1/3 into the book, and it's a jarring shift. Completely new cast of characters, new plot, new setting, different period of time. And to be honest the new storyline is kinda boring for a chunk, I almost put the book down here.

But, don't. It's worth sticking through.

Should You Read It

If you're looking for a deep sciencey book like Three Body Problem or Children of Time, this isn't it.

Or if you want something lighter like The Martian of Ready Player One this isn't that either.

But otherwise, yes, absolutely. This is one of my favorite Sci-Fi novels I've read.

Favorite Quotations

I only had one highlight, I should have taken more:

"He held me there at eye level to him with the grip of a single hand about my throat. A single hand. And there was no trembling, no effort involved that I could see. No hurry to put me down again. He simply stood there peering darkly into my eyes and hanging me with the force from a single limb. Hanging me Years later, he let me slowly down. But he kept his paw about my windpipe."

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