Nat Eliason

Cover Image for Anything You Want

Anything You Want

By: Derek Sivers

Category: Entrepreneurship



Focus on “Hell Yeah!” or no, not yes or no. If something isn’t a Hell Yeah, then don’t buy it, don’t do it. When you say no to most things, you’ll open up more time in your life for the big things that you’re really excited about.

No one has ever asked you to fill your site with more advertising (I’d add, or more popups), so don’t do it. Only do things that a customer would ask you for.

You can never get stuck thinking that there’s only one way to do things. You need to imagine different scenarios and see how the decision making changes. Getting stuck in one line of thinking is an easy way to miss big opportunities.

Consider how you grade yourself, what do you index against? Ideas? Money? Time? Relationships? Know this in advance, otherwise you won’t set goals that will satisfy you.

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