Introducing Stamena: The App that Helps Men Last Longer in Bed
When I was working on lasting longer in bed, the apps for doing kegel exerciseswere extremely helpful. By providing timings, cues, and progressive difficulties, I could feel my PC muscle getting stronger and see the results.
But then someone on reddit pointed out another exercise I’d completely missed: reverse kegels. And when I became interested and wanted to add them to my routine, there was no good way to practice them.
You could keep resetting the existing kegel apps and change the level you were on, but it was a hassle, and no one had made an app to help men last longer in bed using both regular and reverse kegels .
So I created Stamena, and you can get it here.
How it Works
Stamena functions similarly to other kegel apps, but with one huge difference: it combines kegels and reverse kegels in one session.
The first half of the exercise, regular kegels, train your ability to squeeze your PC muscle, the same squeeze you do to prevent yourself from ejaculating, or to have non-ejaculatory orgasms. By squeezing it more and for longer durations, it gets stronger, and you become better at preventing yourself from ejaculating.
The second half is the reverse kegel, where you practice pushing out with your PC muscle. This push can be used anytime during sex or foreplay, slowing down how quickly you reach the point of ejaculation and delaying having to use regular kegels to stop yourself.
By training both aspects of your PC muscle you can comfortably last longer in bed and have more control over when you ejaculate, ensuring a good time for both you and your partner.
Try Stamena out, let me know what you think in the comments, and I’d love for you to leave a review as well!
P.S. I should note that I didn’t actually code any of it, I worked with the awesome Alex Gross and his company App Actual who did a fantastic job taking my ideas and bringing them to life. If you want to build your own app, hit him up, and say Nat sent you.