Nat Eliason

My Crypto Unicorns Strategy

I went in pretty hard on Crypto Unicorns. I picked up a few pieces of land and unicorns to start, then I filled out my roster with 9 pieces of land and 8 unicorns. I was only trying to get 6 unicorns but OpenSea glitched and confirmed two additional purchases that it said failed, so I got 2 more on accident and just decided to keep them. 

Gameplay right now is based on the starting inefficiencies in the game. They pre-seeded the ingame marketplace with a ton of seeds, berries, and crafting materials, at kinda odd price ratios creating some significant earnings opportunities. I suspect this was deliberate, it’s a good way to get people hooked on the game. 


Right now Farming is the big winner. With seeds selling for ~110 RBW for 50, and Berries selling for ~40 RBW for 100, you can get about a 9% ROI in 8 hours even if you have to pay for a Unicorn’s energy. Without the energy cost it’s a 21% ROI. 

There is a caveat here though: That’s based on the assumption that you’ve upgraded your farms to give at least +2 berries. When you level up your farms, they get a random boost to Berries or Farming Speed. These boosts stack each time you level them up, and there’s a fairly wide variance. My best farm has +11 Berries at level 4, my worst has had no additional berries and only +5% speed at level 4. 

Given the massive effect getting good boosts on your farm can have, it’s worth destroying your farms and re-leveling them up until you get farms with good Berry boosts. I’m currently destroying and rebuilding any farms that don’t have at least +3 berries at level 4, but I might go further and destroy any that don’t have at least +4. 

This will get significantly more expensive to do later, since the Raw Wood Planks you need for the upgrades are extremely underpriced. If you do the math on crafting them right now it’s about an 80% loss, so they’re going to have to get more expensive in the future. Or berries will have to become insanely cheap. So I’m happy to buy a bunch of them now at their reduced prices to do these upgrades now, and be able to farm berries more efficiently than most people. 

And you can see what a dramatic impact getting a few extra berries has on the ROI: 

So it’s definitely worth making sure your farms have a solid bonus on them. 


Gathering is my default activity if I don’t need a unicorn for breeding or selling on the marketplace. With my carts at levels 5 and 6 gathering is very lucrative, and gives me more than enough UNIM for the breeding I’m doing. It also gives me an extra supply of seeds and crafting materials, so I don’t need to spend as much RBW on those in the marketplace. 

I think Gathering has a good spot as a default activity, especially since it’s the slowest so it’s something you can have your unicorns do if you won’t be around to monitor them for a while. 


Aside from farming and gathering, I’m breeding as soon as I have the resources for it. I’m earning UNIM from Gathering, and earning RBW from farming, and then spending it on breeding. The baby unicorns I put to work on the farms, since they give you the 3-10 bonus for one energy, which is normally a negative ROI but babies don’t have any other uses so it’s worth it for now. 

I’m currently not selling any of the unicorns I breed. I think the game is going in a pretty interesting direction and I want to have a large stable of unicorns to play with. For games where I’m having fun like this I’m less concerned with making sure I get a certain ROI, more with playing the game and trying to understand it and have fun with it, and only selling if I get bored. 

The one part of breeding I haven’t played around with too much is trying to get Mythic unicorns. Different unicorns have one, two, or three mythic qualities, and if you breed them together with boosters you have a higher chance of getting a more-mythic unicorn. This could be extremely lucrative or a massive expense… I haven’t run much math on it, but it could be worth looking into if you’re willing to sink a lot of capital into the game. 


The last thing I’m watching for in the game is certain crafting prices. I’m not doing any crafting right now, but if the ROI on the rarer materials gets good enough, then it will be worth spending all my unicorn energy on crafting instead of gathering or breeding. We’re not there yet though, so I’ll have to keep an eye on it and readjust. 

Last things 

The last couple things worth knowing are that there are two events going on: The Summer of Love which rewards you for breeding and evolving unicorns, and the Pioneer program which rewards you for locking land into the game. Both look like they’ll give you a pretty substantial reward, so if you’re debating playing that’s a good extra motivation to hop in now. 

Enjoy! And let me know if you have any other suggestions or modifications to this strategy.

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