My Delicious Bulletproof Tea Recipe for Fat Loss, Ketosis, and Energy
As someone who was heavily into energy drinks, coffee, and other stimulants in college, I’ve tried every way of perking myself up in the morning.
And bulletproof tea is the best. Hands down.
It gives you plenty of energy, but it’s a calmer, more sustained energy, and you don’t crash from it. You also don’t feel the need to keep “refueling” as you do with coffee.
And it has a lot of health benefits:
- The Medium-Chain Triglycerides in the Coconut Oil have great applications for energy loss and are easily metabolized into energy.
- The butter provides Omega 3s which have been indicated to help with everything from slowing cognitive decline to greater sex hormone production.
- Pu-Erh tea and black teas have been indicated to reduce cholesterol, as well as reduce the production of “fatty acid synthase” (you lose weight).
- The Green Tea provides L-Theanine, an amino acid which supports your immune system and decreases the peak/trough effect of caffeine.
- If you’re trying to do a ketogenic diet, the tea will help you get deeper into ketosis since it’s almost all calories from fat.
It’s all good things. And since I’m normally not a coffee drinker, this is a great replacement.
There are a ton of ways to make it, but after getting some inspiration from Tim Ferriss and messing around with my own ingredients, this is the bulletproof tea recipe I’ve come up with.
(I call it bulletproof tea in homage to “Bulletproof Coffee” by Dave Asprey who popularized putting butter and coconut oil in your coffee. Bulletproof Exec is his brand, not mine, not claiming it, please don’t sue me, etc.).
Ingredients / Supplies
To make the tea, you’ll need:
- A combination of teas, Tim uses Pu-Erh and Sencha Green, but you can also use black teas like English Breakfast and Earl Grey.
- You can also add Yerba Mate, Turmeric & Ginger, and any other tea you like. The point is to at least have some Black and some Green. I like Yerba Mate + Pu-Erh + Sencha
- Grass-fed butter (Kerrygold is excellent)
- Coconut Oil or MCT Oil
You can also get a pre-made blend of the green, pu-erh, and mate teas from Cup & Leaf which makes the tea-making process part much easier.
You’ll also need:
- Some way to boil water (glass electric kettles are better than plastic)
- A tea steeper (I like this one by Rishi, but there are plenty you can find on Amazon)
- Something to mix the tea in (and possibly blend it)
Making the Tea
First , boil ~1 Liter of water, and combine about 2tsp Pu-Erh, 1tsp Sencha, and 1tsp Yerba Mate in your steeper.
Second , brew the tea for ~1 minute. Once it’s done, pour the tea into your mixer / blender.
Third , start the next brewing with the rest of the water (same tea leaves, they can be infused multiple times).
Fourth , add 1tbsp butter and 1tbsp coconut oil to your mixer with the already-made tea.
Last , pour in the second infusion of the tea after it’s steeped for another minute, stir it all up (or blend it) and enjoy!
You’ll be off to the races in no time.
The fun thing with this recipe is that you can experiment with adding any other types of tea that you want to it. So if you come up with a new combination of teas that tastes great, let me know what worked for you!